
    Caving Adventure

    Caving Adventure is fun, challenging and exciting experience for
    playful adventurers and their brave parents

    Luolaseikkailussa riittää valtavasti tutkittavaa

    Hours of excitement and adventure

    Opastus ja varusteet kuuluvat luolaseikkailulipun hintaan

    Solve challenges in the chambers

    Varaa liput luolaseikkailuun verkosta

    Can you identify all of the fossils in the caves?

    Tunnelit yhdistävät kammioita

    Traverse walls and cross chasms


    Move from one chamber to the next via tunnels. Identify fossils, find gems, and solve challenges in the chambers to go forward. At times you exit the caves and traverse walls to get to the next challenge.

    Our customers rate us 5/5
    dozens meters of adventure
    Sukellus pallomereen

    Can anyone come?

    Exploring the caves and chambers is a super exciting experience that can hardly be described with words

    What our customers say

    Caving was a new and excting experience for everyone. One liked the ball pit chamber, another said the dark tunnels were the best.The adventure had a lot of things for everyone. Special thanks to our instructor for excellent and child-friendly briefing!

    – Paula D

    Caving was extremely versatile and fun activity. Helmets and torches added to the experience and my class was super excited. The children didn't want to leave, they had so much fun. In short, the class event was a success!

    – Jenni S


    Arvomme uutis­kirjeen tilanneiden kesken joka kuukausi yhden yksityis­luola­seikkailun

    Arvonta suoritetaan kerran kuukaudessa. Kaikki uudet uutiskirjeen tilaaja osallistujat automaattisesti arvontaan. Voit poistua listalta milloin tahansa.